Facebook Birthday Fundraiser

What a way to celebrate your birthday by hosting a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser to support X-Seeds, Inc. so we can continue to do our work to help the unhoused population in our community. We appreciate you!

About Facebook Fundraisers: Two weeks before your birthday, you will see a message from Facebook in your News Feed giving you the option to create a fundraiser for your birthday. You can create a fundraiser for any of the 750,000 US nonprofits available for fundraising on Facebook. Please select X,Seeds, Inc. Your friends will also receive a notification inviting them to support the cause in honor of your special day!

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How-to Create a Birthday Fundraiser:

1. Select the Cause You Care About (X-Seeds, Inc.)

2. How Much Do You Want to Raise?

3. Tell Your Story

4. Pick a Cover Photo

5. Congratulations your fundraiser has been published! Invite your friends. 

6. Match Donations - show your passion for the cause by matching donations (not required)

7. Match Amount - select the amount you would like to match (not required)

Need help? View the full steps with screenshot guides on Facebook Birthday Fundraiser Page.

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