Cultivating Lives from Homelessness to Wholeness.

About Us

X-Seeds, Inc. is a non-profit organization located in Hampton, VA which exists to serve the at-risk and often forgotten unhoused population.  Our goal is to secure a supportive transitional home that provides a 24-month program to train and assist men (age 18-40) in obtaining employment, managing finances, maintaining good health, developing interpersonal skills, and opportunities for spiritual growth. 

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Two women who bonded over a calling to help care for homeless people are among the winners of the 2016 Unity Awards for creating diversity in Hampton. Gail B...

A person is considered homeless only when he/she lives:

  • On the street

  • In a place not meant for human habitation (e.g. cars, campsites, and abandoned buildings), in an emergency shelter

  • In transitional or supportive housing (for people coming from streets or shelter), OR

  • In any of the above places prior to entering a hospital/institution for short-term (30 days or less).

    A person is also considered homeless if he/she is being:

  • Evicted within a week from a private dwelling, OR

  • Discharged within a week from an institution where they stayed long term, 31 days or more, and a housing plan is not provided as part of discharge planning.


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